Ranked no #680WHAT??
*slams table with fist*
Ranked no #680WHAT??
*slams table with fist*
lol oh comeon, I do have to admit its still not good enough.... maybe cause of the starting cause it was created 2 years ago and got abandon and then taken out recently and continued on...
A work of art!
Yes indeed! This flash is an amazing work of pure artistry. You've done something very impressive here using an incredibly stylish and complex yet fairly simplistic visual aesthetic. This is just so creative!
The effects, camera angles, action, everything was very well choreographed and played out perfectly. I just love what you did with the movie clips to make it seem like parts of it were in 3D, and those city scapes were absolutely brilliant!!
The only things I could suggest here would be: the music, while fitting, was a little repetitive at times. That's not your fault, though.
Also, some of your animations were a little bit soft at times, as in for some parts, especially the movement cycles of the characters when running, lacked "oomph" if you know what I mean. You could have worked to make some of those movements carry more weight so as to look more realistic.
Overall, this is fantastic, despite some very minor animation problems that are associated with tween-heavy flash animations.
Great concept, and cool use of Flash 3D. I wish I had a 3D program for flash now...
I actually can't suggest ways to improve, seeing as I'm not experienced with 3D flash, but it felt incomplete somehow. Anyway, as I said before, a very cool concept and a great way of showing it.
If you can afford the entire Swift 3D package, go for it! It comes with great documentation, so the learning curve isn't a cliff.
You are right on the spot by saying it feels incomplete, because I feel the same. It was a bit rushed at the end, mainly because I had been tweaking and tormenting for 3 days and wanted it to be over with, but reviews like yours and the experience gained can only lead to better things, so thank you =D
Work on it...
Nice use of sprites, but it's really too short and not all that interesting. Perhaps if you extended it and used more complex animation techniques, it would work.
For the time being, though. It's not all that good. Sorry. Still, keep on trying! One of the things I think you did very well was adding a certain amount of user interactivity. The outtakes were a good idea.
Work on your presentation a bit more. Remember that in the actual game, there were many movie clips of characters as they talked. For instance, you could probably make Bowser splash about angrilly in the bathtub when he's yelling at Luigi rather than just turning around. I'm sure there was an "angry" sprite in that game for Bowser.
Just little things like that.
Very discritptive, constuctive, and told me what to fix. Thanks alot.
tut tut tut...
Now this sort of irrisponsible, irrelevant, silly, childish, immature, retarted, self-degrading random nonsense is exactly the sort of thing the world needs more of! This was awesome! I loved it! It was so action packed and random while tastefully managing to stay away from being cheap and gory.
Seriously, I'm gonna give this a 5 when my vote beam recharges.
One thing you could have worked on, though, was the graphics and animation. I don't think you should change the style, but maybe add some more shading, and don't be afraid to use frame by frame more often.
Besides those minor hiccups, this seriously brightened my day. GO DAD! And the F-zero song was a funny addition.
It's fantasy, and that's final!
Wow! This is rightfully the best parody of FF I've ever seen. You did everything so well, and added a funny twist to it as well!
If only school were really like that...it'd certainly be more of a challange or at least more fun.
And the Japanese sounded really convincing too. Although I can't understand the language, it sounded to me that you knew what you were doing. If one thing could use improvement, it's that the voice acting could have used just a little bit more emotion, but it was good nonetheless.
Brilliant! The appearance of Bahamut at the end was actually a surprise, seeing as all the other monsters were schoolwork related.
Oh, and the graphics and animation were very RPG/Anime and you used all the appropriate cliches. Well done!
Awesome song tainted by blood.
That is simply the COOLEST song I've heard in a very long time. I love it! It's just AWESOME!!
However, I feel the animation was ruined by the blood, which I don't like, but hey, it's all about personal tastes. Still, the song...it's just...THE BEST!!
So I give the song a 10, the whole animation an 8 (-2 points for blood) and humor 9 (-1 point for blood)
Iiiii've goooot a biiii baaag of craaaaaybs...
Brilliant like ice cream pie!
Hey Vinnie, this is Ryanide from Deviantart here.
I've always loved this animation. It's definately one of the coolest animations I've seen. It is amazingly smooth for something that runs at 12 fps, and the detail of the city as well as the convincing animations of the characters is great. Conceptually, your ideas are funny and you couldn't have chosen a better song to accompany it.
But what stands out most is the style. This is stylishness/coolness at its best. Well done!
Top marks from me!
Oh man, Clairvoyance are my idols too, even if they do use stock characters.
I loved the original animation, and I was laughing my arse off when I saw you re-make those scenes almost perfectly! Very nice, and that fight towards the end when she gets the red hammer is actually very good! In fact, it's almost as good as the original! Top job!
However, the childish sex jokes were a bit off-putting (especially the dildo fight and the yiffing wolves -_-) but I get what you're trying to say: Nightmare City is hell random and nobody knows what's really going on.
Still, I really did like this a lot. The little touches you made, such as the giant cat, were really good.
EE! I'm sorry, I voted a 3 by accident and meant to go for a 4! I'll vote 5 tomorrow to make up for it.
I have an account at Deviantart! Go have a look, there's hyper chibi anthro stuff, GO GO!
Age 36, Male
Loud, happy person
Joined on 6/9/06